Featured Work

Haxton Road Studios

Website, Logo, Film, Photo, Socials
Web Design
Graphic Design

New Website

Take a look at their brand new site.


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Before interacting with Haxton Road Studios, we always admired their branding and marketing. In many ways they were already a "sexy" brand, but just needed a small lift in a few key areas to compliment their amazing quality. When we did begin conversations, it was clear that the Haxton team wanted to position their business to more corporate clients by emphasizing their work in sound strategy, custom music, and publishing. Additionally, they wanted to do a better job showcasing their amazing gear collection.


The Logo Refresh

One of the starting places for the Haxton brand was taking their current logo and giving it a small face lift. We elected to keep the same font and mic as the logo, but work adding more color. After several revisions, we settled on an orange circle wrapped around the logo. The result was a logo with more energy and an eye-catching capability. We also began using this orange color for other elements of branding and service areas on the site.

The Website Design

The website was built on the Squarespace platform for functionality and the ability for easy editing if needed. Our inspiration for the website was to resemble a fine luxury brand - something that felt and looked high-end. We elected to use a lot of black, white and grey with the bright orange as our highlights. We also worked hard to achieve lots of movement on the site with small animation drops, picture carousels, and simple parallax. Finally, we structured the website copy and SEO for their immediate needs - attracting more corporate clients and establishing a reputation of working with more established artists.

The Social Media Design

In addition to a logo refresh and new website, we worked with Haxton Road Studios to refresh their social media profiles. We designed custom icons for their Instagram stories and rebuilt their social pages to reflect more of their service offerings. We also worked with the Haxton team to launch new Facebook, Instagram, and Google campaigns.

The Video

Another focus of our work with Haxton was finding new ways to showcase their incredible gear selection. From vintage gear to rare pieces, we knew the gear needed to be front and center in the images and video. One of our favorite things was taking an entire day to record what we call "gear porn." We laid out the entire mic and guitar collect and used our rhino slider to film slow motion clips. We also played around with color design by using our LED's to shine purple and orange at different angles to get some nice highlights and reflections.


After working with Haxton, the feedback from the client was that they were able to capture more corporate clients - one of their biggest goals from the start. Additionally, the feedback from their clients was that their service offerings were easier to understand. Clarity in message and clarity in presentation was achieved. Our ultimate compliment was then receiving a Davey award for our Web Design - an amazing recognition for a great studio!