Featured Work

Real World Travel

Website, Strategy
Graphic Design
Messaging & Mission
Web Design
Startup Strategy

New Website

Take a look at their brand new site.


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When we first met with Melissa, owner of Real World Travel, it was very apparent she wanted to establish her growing agency as a luxury brand that advertised high quality in every detail. She spoke of luxury brands such as Mercedes, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and others... and we knew that she wanted something dark, sexy, and mysterious. We ended up with an amazing website that speaks of luxury experiences, not the "typical vacation" to Disneyworld or the beach.


The Messaging

The language on Melissa's website is a direct reflection of the type of client she wanted to work with. Quality. Love for luxury. Need for adventure. Tired of boring vacations. From the start, we began with this core message: "Say goodbye to boring vacations, and hello to luxury experiences." Boom. The narrative was set. Throughout the rest of the website, we used the Storybrand framework to set up the bad guy as "stressful trip planning, time wasted, and uncontrollable costs." Followed by the solution to the bad guy: accessibility, attention to detail, tailor-made, and the personal service of Real World Travel.

The Website

The website was built using Webflow platform and featured tons of movement and image features. For something as visual as travel or tourism, we knew the images needed to be the main focal point of the website. Images tell the story of traveling... the sights, the smells, the tastes, the atmospheric aromas. And we wanted anyone on the website to get a small taste of this. As a result, we used a video background to display real footage from around the world as well as several moving galleries to narrate the luxury travel experience. Additionally, we were fortunate to use a lot of amazing images provided by Melissa from her own trips and adventures - a true testament that she practices what she preaches! 


The feedback from Melissa after our project, "I enjoyed every minute working with Sean to build my company website! He not only met my expectations, but far exceeded them!  He helped bring the ideas in my head to life. He didn't just build my website, he offered countless business advice and valuable insight to help me develop and grow my brand. Campbell Creative is the real deal. I won't go anywhere else for my website needs!"